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Guest Lecture - Miguel Gandert

Pablo Sisneros

On March 26 a man named Miguel Gandert came into class and talked about what he does and how he is creative with it. He is a photographer, and he feels that photography is a way of telling a story. He showed us photographs of people that changed his life like the boxer who died of brain hemorrhages Victor Romero. He also mentioned that intent is everything. When taking pictured with good intentions there are very few limitations, but if you are taking them with bad intentions it could possibly be illegal. He also stated that with technology his art is being limited, because the process of developing photos is becoming obsolete. He also said that some of the mediums that he used to use are no longer being made.

3 Question I Could Ask

  1. Why is there a little mark or tare in the same spot on all or the pictures that you showed us?
  2. You mentioned that you like to use all of the photographs when pointing out the mark of the tare. Is there any instance where you looked at a picture and said that it absolutely needed to be edited of trimmed out?
  3. Are there any pieces that you make that you thought deserved better recognition than it got and if so what is its name?

3 Ideas To Take His Research:

  1. With the recognition that he has in the photograph community I would open up an art studio that hosts my art and the art of many different local artists.
  2. I would also go to different cultures and tell their story like he did with the Latino cultures.
  3. Also to keep the art rich I would develop a program that teaches children to use cameras and to be creative with cameras.