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Class Projects


Jeremiah Anderson, Project List, 2/6/2012

1. Better Rubisco. Rubisco has low CO2 specificity, often uses O2, and is slow. This leads to much of the plants resources going to make lots of Rubisco. A faster, more specific enzyme would be ideal as there would be more resources for the plant to make other things.
2. Flexible, light body armor. Body armor has always suffered from being heavy and cumbersome. A lighter, more flexible body armor would be ideal in today's high speed battlefield.
3. New PTSD/TBI therapies. Post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury have usually been separate. However, with improvised explosive devices, service men and women are usually coming home with both requiring new therapies to deal with problems that arise from both. And let's face it, Marines don't like talking out their feelings and experiences with outsiders.
4. Experimental design class. Many undergraduate science programs do not have a class that covers one of the most important things about being a scientist, designing experiments. This is a great disservice to everyone because when the undergrads become graduate students, they don't understand how to design an experiment to answer their question.
5. New biology curriculum. Most of the biology undergrad is spend memorizing material instead of really learning and understanding important concepts.